Sunday was pretty normal. Church at eight, dropped by my Grandma’s house, headed home, my auntie and other Grandma visited, and I fell asleep. Woke up, worked on the site validation, Paul and Chris dropped by, then I cooked dinner with Maggie. Here I am now. I haven’t seen my mom since I was preparing for church. We’re having lunch next Sunday with Dan to make up for today. No complaints.
I also managed to take a few photographs. Math homework, however, was not on the agenda. Tomorrow, that will definitely be a priority. Another priority of tomorrow is cleaning my room. I’ll probably try a before and after panorama. Or another sped up video of me cleaning.
Ilium time. It has become more interesting now that I have a better grasp on the Trojan and Greek individuals. Previously, I just imagined everyone looking like Maximus.