June 13, 2004


At the moment I sense a feeling comparable to the calm before a storm. After all the babble about updating three times a day I confused a few terms and am at the rate of three posts a month. Calculus, graduation, work, and college preparations have tangled me up well. Boringperson has not been up long enough to have anything expected, but here’s another update entry, complete with bolded titles.

School Our day approaches quickly. “Class of 2004, you have been dismissed.” But we have not walked the walk and we cannot truly relax for another forty hours. Paper Toss was fun. Under the right circumstances, throwing armfuls of paper into the air can be very entertaining. Thursday’s last bell rang and the funnest fifteen minutes of high school ensued. No pictures were taken, because I had my camcorder to capture the moment. I missed out on some tossing, but I’m glad I recorded the chaos. It’s ripped and now I have to flex any Premiere skills left from last spring.

NBA Finals I am no sports guy, so I won’t provide some sort of analysis and make a fool of myself. Regardless of my bandwagon support of the Pistons, I can’t imagine the Lakers losing three in a row and having the series end in a 4-1 Detroit victory. Taking one in Detroit sends everything back to LA, and I have faith that the Pistons can win a game six, but beating the Lakers at home in a game seven might be a bit difficult. Go Sheed go.

Computer My computer seems to grow slower by the day, and a reformat solves everything. Reformatting is always hard, because I can’t decide what to keep. Gilmore Girls is taking up thirty gigs, and I think I’ll delete seasons as I purchase the DVDs. Dan, please buy season one for me. For college, I decided to build another desktop. A laptop would be nice, but I can’t justify the price or find a balance between battery capacity and computing power. For my needs, a desktop seems to be the correct choice.

Books Bringing Down the House and Eats, Shoots, and Leaves are on the playlist right now, the former also residing on the overdue list. Both are very interesting. Bringing Down the House is definitely a page-turner, and I really want to read through it but haven’t been able to. I am somewhat hesitant to read Eats, Shoots, and Leaves because its a British book so some grammar rules don’t apply. Nearly every page contains something new interest, and I’m sure I won’t morph into a blabbering idiot by completing the book, so I’ll be sure to finish it when the time comes. Time previously spent reading has been consumed by a little Neo-Geo game that could.

Strikers 1945 Plus Greg kind of introduced me to this game. After a good old Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 battle, we played the orginal Strikers 1945 together. Is ‘unplus’ a word? When I got home I, well… Anyway, I have been playing at home and at Wal-Mart. Some stud has every score record at Wal-Mart, and I managed around seventh place to ruin the flawless list with his initials. My goal is to practice at home until I dream about airplanes that shoot energy blobs. When I am ready, I will play a single time at Wal-Mart to take the top spot with the initials HAH. It will be glorious.

That’s it for tonight. Sleep awaits me. Greg owned me pretty hard today in MvC2. Wally spoke garbage about his new secret character in Soul Calibur II. Wally is no liar. He talked trash and followed it up by playing like trash. I went 14-0 for matches, and I believe 70-6 in round total for the night. I don’t mean to brag.

Syke. Wally and Jason, enjoy the Xbox and I hope you provide a challenge by the end of the week.