Today was pretty memorable. Food was the main event of the day, starting with the Nathan’s hot-dog eating championship a few minutes after awaking and ending with a multitude of meat sticks. Skewers are awesome, but ninja swords are better. There were a few major downers to the day, but it’s Independence Day and there was good food to eat throughout the day.
Kobeyashi’s record fifty-three hot dogs is beastly. While the comparisons to Tiger Woods and Barry Bonds were humorous, it’s easy to admit that eating that much is impossibly difficult–even if most people won’t accept them as athletes. The Tsunami’s twelve minute six-pack to beer keg transformation is a sight to behold, and I’m glad to have watched history made on television, regardless of the event’s significance in the future of humanity. Wimbledon ended, and I can’t honestly make any knowledgable comments, but the Men’s finals match sure was entertaining.
Hammack had a fantastic barbecue. His parents kept piling food on the table, and I gladly took it off. For some reason, we decided it would be a great idea to play some basketball without resting and digesting our food. As far as I remember, Jason was victorious in 21, but it was a tough and ugly battle all the way through. Then we ate some more and played Telephone for a few minutes. Not some sort of drinking game or obscure card game, just plain old telephone. In one round, we ended up with “Jason likes to masturbate to old men in thongs”. I recommend you try it out. After a mishap, I was back home for another get together. That meant more food.
After eating, the fun began. While everyone else watched Hoosiers, a few of us set up the impromptu studio and posed for ninja pictures. We played with them in Photoshop and made a good switcheroo of Jerry and Junior’s foreheads, making them look like Jonard and Ez for some reason. The picture posted of Jerry also came out of that session. I really need some better lighting equipment. Finally, Crimson Skies and Soul Calibur brought us far into the night. Junior’s Maxi edged out my Astaroth in a good old 4-4 battle for my last match. Still, it was hard to be all that disappointed in a loss after juggling my brother’s Taki with Voldo’s atmoic pelvic thrust.
My computer has been acting up for the past two days and I am pretty clueless right now. Any online activities go really slow. I can’t connect to Messenger and my download speed is less than 2kbps. Safe mode fixes that, but pretty much breaks everything else. Its either safe mode and browse or restart and do anything else. Unfortunately, it’s been real difficult to update my virus scanners since I can’t run them in safe mode or download updates normally. Orientation is Tuesday and I’ll be up in Seattle until Wednesday morning, so I hope I am able to take at least one picture worth posting by the time I return home. Enjoy your Monday.