I know, I was supposed to be updating more often. School is to blame. I’m not too sure who is wondering, but I thought it’d be interesting enough to show what a normal day for me is like.
7:45 am. Either on my own brain clock or from the door click when Louie heads out, I wake up at this time or earlier. I’ll jump out of bed, set some clothes aside, then I head to the bathroom for the shower. Unfortunately, dorm halls are not hotels and hot water does run out. I pretty much come at the end of the cycle of people showering for 8:30 classes, so a long hot shower is rare. Sometimes I’ll think of how awesome it wouldn’t be if the guy in the next shower stall peed on my bare foot. Once, I made the universal mistake of pooping right after my shower. It’s like washing your car then taking it off road. Maybe it isn’t as bad as that, but still, it’s doo-doo baby!
8:15 am. After putting clothes on (unlike naked guy, who our floor will sorely miss), I head down to grab something to eat. For the first few days, I thought every morning would be an adventure and I’d be able to change it up. Every morning is as if Emeril himself prepared breakfast for me. For three consecutive school weeks, I have eaten a wheat bagel with cream cheese. Maybe Mr. Lagasse’s presence isn’t so strong, but my girl on Everyday Italian makes breakfast a lot brighter. Some day Jerry, Junior, and I will have a morning workout, then we’ll jump in the Coachman Inn Jacuzzi while Giada cooks some kielbasa and toast for us.
8:45 am. Right here I’ll brush my teeth and prepare for class. Usually this means I waste my time online. Please keep updating your Xangas and blogspots so I have something to read in the mornings. Mike and Super Street Fighter Cess Tubo, keep it interesting!
9:00 am. When I step outside on my way to class, the sun makes sure to see what I’m wearing. If I don’t have my jacket, it will hide behind the clouds so that I freeze and stay sick. Usually I see the clouds out the window and have a jacket on. So on most days, I walk up the billion steps to class and work up a sweat that could compete with Paul and Lacey in the third game of lunch ball.
9:30 am. I have my CSE 142 lecture at this time. I sit in the back and pretty much stare at other people’s laptops and wish I had one. Other than that, I’ll think of how much math homework I still have left. My professors are all really cool, and I usually understand what’s going on so I don’t mind this lecture much at all.
10:30 am. With two hours before my next lecture, I head to Odegaard. People always say to go to this library to see girls. Homies, you never lie. I’ll listen to music and try to work on homework without joining the other slacker sleepyheads on the third floor. Today, I fell asleep with my head on a table and almost missed my next lecture.
11:30 am. Willis is my Comparative Literature professor. Homeboy is awesome. It is not uncommon for him to toss chairs around while he acts out life situations. I sit for fifty minutes, laugh, and hope to death that I don’t get called down to take part as an actor in one of his situations. It seems to be pretty embarrassing for the participants. He runs the gamut of American swear words daily, sometimes foraying into the profanities of other countries, specifically Russian.
12:30 pm. Lunchtime! My lunches have more variety than my breakfasts. A tiny amount. I eat two slices of pizza at the Hub. The variety comes in the form of deciding what sort of pizza I will eat. It’s exciting since the choice is as important as when Indiana Jones chooses a cup in his search for the Holy Grail. Afterwards Tony and I usually go to the Hub game room.
1:00 pm – 9:00 pm. So maybe it isn’t eight hours, but there have been several days when we would log in three or more hours playing videogames and shooting pool. It is awesome. We have cut back on this, so it isn’t so sad anymore. We play on the scrub Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 machine. This boosts our confidence, sometimes to the point that we’ll try playing against the good people. This is one of the easiest ways to waste quarters in the entire world. Twenty or so seconds later, we’ll decide to play pool or head back home.
3:00 pm. I have taken a nap everyday since school began. These naps can last for upwards of four hours and are never less than one. Usually I’ll have weird dreams. Upon waking up, I’ll head to the library or the study rooms on our floor to work on Math. This is probably my most productive time. On most days I am able to fit in a bit more Internet procrastination.
6:30 pm. This begins what is easily the longest hour and a half of the week. My professor isn’t bad at all, but I often find myself wondering how it is possible for a Math class to single handedly alter the space-time continuum to fit nine hours into a single period. When I’m paying attention, I write notes filled with math notation that I won’t understand later and debate whether or not this class is more confusing than the Calculus series was.
8:00 pm. Dinner is usually the Hot Box Special at the Chinese place downstairs. It is one of the best on-campus deals period. You get a choice of chicken or pork along with about ten pounds of chow mein and steamed rice. Once, the place closed about two minutes before I got there. That was the worst day so far this month.
9:00 pm. After dinner, my activities usually vary a good amount. Sometimes I’ll shower. Twice, I’ve gone to the IMA so that Andrew could school me in the racquetball room. Without fail, though, people will be loud in the halls until one or two in the morning. For the past twenty minutes, they have been singing along to Get Low on repeat. I hope Lil’ John never makes another hit in his life. Since he has amassed quite a fortune, I do not feel too bad saying that. It’s pretty entertaining on Friday and Saturday nights. On the weekend these same people are out there, just drunk. A girl ran into our room, grabbed a football out of Jordan’s hands, and spiked it hard on the floor. It bounced and we watched in slow motion as it hit my monitor. Luckily, everything is ok, but it was one of the most random things I’ve ever witnessed.
12:30 am. Repeat. As you can see, there are a few places within the day that I’d be able to write an update. It’s not really school that is keeping me from updating. It’s the same as it has always been—I’m lazy. Holy long post.