Apple. Iím on a PowerMac G5 at one of the collegeís computer lab. Iíve never really used an Apple computer before, so it sure is different. There usually isnít a line for Macs so I thought it might be a good idea to figure things out. I must say, things sure feel a lot prettier. Iíve heard before of people wanting Windows desktop systems and Apple laptops, and I think I can see why. Everything feels a little less bloated, though thatís probably because Iím at a computer lab and not at home. Anyway, Iím not even thinking about a new system so this probably doesnít all matter that much. These flat panel displays sure are nice though.
Scrubs. Last weekend, I watched season three of Scrubs. Iím all caught up now. With Friends over, and being the only person in the world that doesnít watch the O.C., I sure am glad to have another show. I love watching Sports Center, football, and basketball too, which definitely establishes my unprecedented manliness. I canít believe I missed last nightís Gilmore Girls.
Essay. I havenít been updating in the past week because of my comparative literature midterm essay. In short, it has tormented and made a black hole of despair out of my life. But Iím finished with it, and I also donít have math or computer science homework this week. That means that I crawl out of the black hole and party it up this weekend. Party for me usually means to play video games really late into the night.
Halloween. Halloween fell on a Sunday, so the costume parties took place starting Friday. It was interesting on our floor. There was a French maid, a father from 1950, a mermaid, and a male stripper. No, wait, it was a guy dressed up as a female stripper. Visine in its powerful glory could not remove this image forever burned into my retinas. Only time will save me.
Walking on the Ave is especially fun during Halloween season. This is because you can try and guess who is actually in costume and who is just a weirdo. We saw a trio of guys wearing skintight leather suitsógloves and all. Andrew and I thought they got the gay 80s biker costume down pat. Then we overheard their conversation. ìMan, are we going to any parties tonight? What about that one you were talking about dude?î ìYah it sounds like it would be pretty cool, itís too bad we donít have costumes.î