Since we’re approaching the end of the quarter, I thought it’d be a good idea to write about my current classes. Here goes nothing.
Linguistics 200
This was supposed to be an easy class. A GPA booster. Just go to lecture and I’ll be fine. Didn’t happen. It wasn’t as bad as it looked earlier though. After the first three weeks, it seemed like there was going to be a ton of memorization. After the midterm, things began to get better. Still, I would never tell a friend in search of an easy class to take it. For the past two weeks, Junior and I turned the lectures into Art 12: Ridiculously Awesome Drawing. Once I get my hands on a scanner, you will get the chance to see some of the greatest art since the pencil was invented.
CSE 143
They tricked us with the assignment order. Our first assignment was the hardest, engulfing nearly four weeks of our lives in a vicious fire of hate, anger, and depression. I began dreaming about programming after intense night sessions. The second program was boring, but easy. I’ll take easy and boring over hard and interesting six days a week. Before assigning the last project, we were lead to believe that it would be even easier considering the time span that runs right to the beginning of finals week.
Tricked again. It was the Tic Tac Toe program from Hell. It was interesting though, since it was a game. The AI required a minimax search, which checks every outcome to decide the best move. It sounds sort of complicated. It is. I still have no idea how it works. The best thing I can come up with is “it just does”. We finished though, and that’s what matters.
Physics 121
Great professor. That’s about the only thing from the class that doesn’t result in sad times. During tutorial, the TA answers questions with questions and has, on a number of occasions, literally said “Well, what do you think?” The week after a midterm you worry about your grade. The week after you get your grade your are depressed because of the actual grade. The week after that you get another midterm. Then you have a final ten days after the last midterm. It never stops. It hasn’t stopped.
In the end, Physics and CSE together have owned me, with a P even. Finals start in two days for me. Spring break has never seemed so far away. I can’t wait.