Last week Junior caught a pretty sizable spider and gave it a home inside a Dasani bottle. The spider was Blinky, brother of Pinky. Shortly after befriending the spider, Junior set it free in front of my house.
I was about to head out this morning when I saw a web woven in the doorway. Usually I transform into a little girl when spiders are around, but this wasn’t just any spider. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Blinky came back! He was probably looking to return to the safety of his water bottle residence and to feast on the nourishing powder that was inside it. Spiders love salt and sugar, according to the Encyclopedia or Jerry, I forget which. If you capture a spider, make sure to put that mixture in with it. After taking some pictures, I made my way out the door without disturbing the web. When I came home, the web was gone.
You never should’ve come back Blinky. Now all we have are the memories.