I’ve been doing a lot of random rambling this week. This entry won’t change that.
I forgot how much I love K-Pax. To be honest, I don’t remember much from it. Maybe that means I don’t love it. Never mind, I remember everything. Kevin Spacey eats a banana without peeling it and goes back to his home planet. As far as movies go, the Eight Below trailer left most of my friends in a mode of raw anticipation. They won’t be disappointed. I’m in shock.
I’m trying to get back into this whole reading thing. Class readings should be a priority, but textbooks induce comas–not healthy. A few days ago I finished Blink. I recommend it. It’s a pretty quick read. I doubt I can give a better summary than the one on Amazon, but I can definitely make up a shorter summary. The book explains stuff our brain thinks about subconsciously and quickly. You could say our brain thinks about certain things in the blink of an eye. Pun in-tended.
With that done, I’m rotating through Running with Scissors, Getting Things Done, and Spunk & Bite. As long as I keep it to a single book with a plot I do ok. Otherwise, things get mixed up and Robert Langdon is analyzing paintings in Hogwarts.
I’ll leave you with this bit of a conversation solidifying the manliness of the Cortez brothers (Danabolic and Cestosterone):
[22:42] skandalez pinoy’s brother: what kind of cookies are we all making
[22:43] allison: snickerdoodles so we can decorate them
[22:43] skandalez pinoy’s brother: i made snickerdoodles once
[22:43] skandalez pinoy’s brother: with my brother