Other than studying, I find time for everything come finals week. I watch more TV than most of the rest of the quarter combined. Stupid Flash games become crack when textbooks are the other option. Most importantly, I watch scenes from inspiring movies, or often entire movies. ǃÚInspiringǃ٠pretty much means violent. The point of all this movie-watching is to fire me up and boost my confidence for the exam. Based on previous performance, it probably doesnǃÙt work.
Here are some scenes I recommend:
Gladiator ÇƒÏ Any scene with Maximus being bad (bad, bad, bad, bad meaning good, also meaning pretty much the entire movie)
The Spaniard wrecks the place. Some of the stuff is really gory. I slowed down and paused the movie during the gory parts to convince myself that it wasnǃÙt realǃÓsimilar to Doug watching that monster movie a second time to see the zipper on the costume. Let me tell you: donǃÙt watch GladiatorǃÙs gory parts in slow motion, that junk looks real.
Troy ÇƒÏ Achilles vs. Hector
Fantastic. In Gladiator, Maximus is compared to Hector. Hector loses to Achilles. ItǃÙs a good fight. Would Maximus lose to Achilles? It depends on the circumstances. Mainly, who killed whose family member? If Maximus kills Patroclus, Achilles rages and kills Maximus after slaughtering his troops. If Achilles kills MaximusǃÙs wife and son, Maximus finds himself in a series of amazing coincidences and ends up in an arena where he rages and kills Achilles.
Last Samurai ÇƒÏ Çƒ?Samurai comeǃ?
This is the scene in the forest when the samurai come on horses through the mist. One of the guys from the Japanese army shoots early, triggering the rest of the guys to lose their minds and fire at will. I think the guy made the right choice. By shooting first, he was able to book it before everyone else. Of course, he was brutally impaled by samurai who snuck up behind the military army. But hey, I donǃÙt know, something-something about honor and being the first to die.
Doom ÇƒÏ The FPS Scene
ItǃÙs the scene where the film pays homage to the game by switching the action to a first person point of view. My brother recommends this inspiring sequence, as well as the entire movie.