April 23, 2006


School school school. Of course that’s the reason. Actually, I was doing pretty good with picture posts for a while. The reason for that is I edited a whole bunch of pictures right before April and had about three weeks queued up and ready to go. It was supposed to be a buffer, and it worked for a while, then the buffer ran out.

Midterms started last week for me. What happened to the peer editing days of middle school where you just said ‘good job’? My paper was torn apart. This weekend I planned on finishing all of my homework so I could enjoy myself for the concerts this week and my meeting with destiny. Of course I forgot about the the spring quarter study ruiner that I should have remembered from last year: NBA playoffs. The Saturday/Sunday quadruple header made studying appear more boring than usual.

Summer’s creeping up. The late sunset’s been nice but I still haven’t adjusted. Ok, I’ll stop blabbing until I find something better to talk about.