September 10, 2006


Considering that it consumed most of my time last week, I managed to not mention HBO’s The Wire.  With fall shows starting up, there’s been some buzz about the fourth season.  Bill Simmons and Kottke have mentioned the show, both in the same situation I’m in–not following it and only recently catching up.  Though I still have to catch up on the later two seasons. 

Season one is good.  Really, really good.  Prison Break had me watching consecutive episodes in grossly long sittings, but that was mostly a result of cliffhangers.  As a whole, The Wire’s first season is significantly more satisfying.  I’m in a ranking mood, so I’m going through with ranking my top-five first seasons of television shows. 

The Office would be there somewhere if you count the second season as the first and exclude the six-episode premier season.  No, I don’t watch Lost, Grey’s, The O.C. (Don’t call it that), Nip/Tuck, etc.  And the first season of Gilmore Girls is only good as a build up for the second season.  With that in mind, here it is.

5.  Scrubs.  Each season passes and the show becomes more and more ridiculous, but it always manages to give the heart a good tug on occasion.  Episode 115 – My Bed Banter & Beyond: Dr. Cox talks into the camera and speaks the truth.

4.  Arrested Development.  This is the most rewatchable show in the history of television.  The writing and performances are on point.  I’ve probably seen every episode at least five times and a few are at the 20 or 30+ mark.  Not something to brag about, but I’m trying to vouch for the show.  It’s cancellation is the biggest tragedy in television history.  I love hyperbole.

3.  Prison Break.  Cliffhangers, cliffhangers, cliffhangers.  It reminds me of the twists in M. Night Shyamalan movies.  They’re expected, but still enjoyable regardless of how cheap some are.  You’ll have to suspend your disbelief a bit (especially since it involves a profanity-free prison), but it’s definitely a good time if you can. 

2.  The Wire.  The dialogue and filming locations make it believable.  You really feel like you’re watching detectives and crack dealers.  It’s so realistic.  As if I know what it’s like to be a detective or a crack dealer.  The point is that it seems so realistic to viewers who probably can’t actually relate.  Also, it’s the first HBO show I’ve watched an entire season of, so it’s a change to see blood and such. 

1.  Smallville.  Looking back, this wasn’t exactly the best show ever.  But I’ve never been so engrossed in a TV show.  It’s the only show on this list that I waited around and watched weekly on an actual TV.  I’m sure spreading the love made it that much more fulfilling.  Catching the newest episode wasn’t life and death, but it was close.  I have fond memories of posting on our forum or messaging friends during commercial breaks.  “HOLY!  DID YOU SEE LANA”  “CLARK NOOOO”  “WHAT IS HE THINKING”  “WAY TO BLOW IT SUPERMAN”  And then there was always the talk at school about it the day after, pretty much re-enacting our online conversations with different people. 

Of course, the best thing about the first season was the last episode and Jason guessing what would happen.  Clark ditches Chloe at the prom to save Lana, who’s trapped in a truck caught in a tornado.  The obvious guess is that he’s going to learn to fly.  Jason’s guess?  “He’s going to run at light speed the opposite way of the tornado, slowing it down and stopping it.  Then she’ll land softly on the ground.”