November 27, 2006


I’m going to Hawaii for winter break. According to the following picture, it’s pretty much destiny.


That was taken on the way back to Seattle after Thanksgiving. If this was Final Destination 2 and I were looking for signs to watch out for, I wouldn’t get on that plane in three weeks. But it’s not. If you need more proof of how destinacious this is, check out the egg I cracked yesterday.


You might think I meant the plural “eggs”, but it’s a double-yolker! For those unfamiliar with the superstitious aspects of double-yolked eggs, they mean you’ll be going on a trip away from home and having tons of fun. Actually, it’s usually less fun and along the lines of death or a baby coming my way. Neither one sounds too great right now. I told Jerry that the extra yolk probably means I’ll be getting extra-yolked before going to Hawaii. That’s certainly the least likely situation.