December 14, 2006

The feeling only comes three times a year

151_2326.jpgUnless you take summer quarter, then it’s four times. Nothing really beats finishing up finals week. Whether you kill your last exam or you wonder after whether you were even studying for the right class, it feels good to be done.

On the bus ride to school today (mad early), I listened in on a conversation between two older men. One of them was just going off about how great his daughter was. Senior in high school, AP classes, good test scores, “the real deal” he said. She applied to Stanford, MIT, Cal Poly, and other top schools. It was interesting at first, but he went on and on and soon I was thinking, “She can’t be that great.” I decided to take a guess at how smart this girl actually is by taking a look at her dad.

This bitch is smart, if my method of judging is half correct. Because I’m pretty sure it was John Hammond. Glasses, hat, cane, and all. I was ready to tell him how much I loved Jurassic Park, but I didn’t want to look dumb since there’s a slight chance that Jurassic Park isn’t real. And that John Hammond doesn’t actually work at a Seattle Children’s hospital these days.


By the by, I’m sitting in the airport, using this ballin-ass $7.95/day connection and trying to get the most of it. I’ll probably hit this up again in San Francisco. I don’t think there’ll be too much from now until then to talk about, except maybe the food I eat. I’m about to eat at Chili’s too!, so there goes like a dollar of my Internet time. But um, it beats starving.