Here are a few movie deaths that stick out in my head. Meaning I sat here and didn’t google a bunch of stuff as usual. I started thinking about this because I fast forwarded through The Return of the King tonight and saw the awesome scene where Denethor gets set on fire and runs like 3 miles to jump off the temple’s edge. Anyway, here are those deaths:
The big guy in Gladiator that gets the arrow through his leg, keeps moving, then gets more arrows through his body.
The guy in 13 ghosts. Man I can’t even think of the actor’s name. I’ll look it up. But he comes back as a ghost, so it works out.
T-100. “I know now why you cry.”
Hector! Hectorrrrrrrr! Hectorrrrrrrrr! Hectorrrrrr! I recommend you don’t answer the door if Achilles is screaming your name repeatedly.
Back to Return of the King, I got goosebumps again during the two speeches (“DEATH!” and “But it is not this day!”). But I also got those embarassment chills hearing the “I am no man” line. So corny. I remember people in the theater clapping when that happened. And when Legolas kills the elephant and surfs on its trunk. Except I was clapping with the other people back then. I couldn’t help but laugh watching it again. Unfortunately, his pansy Troy role (which rhymes with boy-roll) pretty much overshadows everything. Homeboy had game though.

Bruce Willis in Armageddon. That hit the thuggest of thugs because that movie was so realistic. Just like the next movie.
Will Smith’s best friend in Independence Day. Aka the greatest wigger in film history. “Kick the tires and light the fires!”
Bob from Last Samurai. And Ujio. And Katsumoto. And Katsumoto’s son. And that bigger samurai that seems pretty high in rank.
Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park. And Star Wars. I still remember looking over to Louie when Mace Windu flew through the glass and out the window. Damn you emperor.
Littlefoot’s mom in The Land Before Time. Probably my first movie death ever. Preparing me for Scar betraying Mufasa.
The guy in Black Rain. Dan showed this to me when I was in third grade or something. We had a VHS recording of another tape. He was like, “check this out.” And the guy gets beat to hell by some Yakuza on motorcycles then one of them pulls a katana out and does the deed. Michael Douglas watches the whole thing unfold but he can’t do a thing about it. I’m paraphrasing hard., but he says something like, “He was a good kid. Now he’s not even in one piece.” Heart-wrenching.
The Indian Native American in Predator. I talked about that one two years ago.
Optimus Prime. He went black and never came back.
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