April 6, 2007

I write on my phone sometimes

My brother gave me his MDA since he upgraded to a Pearl. With a thumb keyboard I can actually write sentences in less than five minutes so it’s cool. I have a word file that I type thoughts into whenever I have the time. I planned on posting some of these every week, but I’m always bad about ‘weekly’ updates because I can’t keep up. So here’s the first of those.

  • Pg 195 of 351 book: “The current through the person is very high. But it may not be fatal since it does not pass through the heart, lungs, or brain. However, it could be painful enough to cause the person to fall; then a lethal current can flow through his vital organs.” Oh I’m ok. Oh wait, guess what, no I’m not! Dead.
  • I’m sitting in a Starbuck’s right now. Earlier me and Eduardo were at a McDonald’s for a meal before his interview. There was a bus for a middle school choir. Eduardo was dressed just like them. I told him to get on the bus. The humor in this doesn’t translate at all.
  • Worst ideas ever series: scheduling work on Fridays since “I’ll just be waiting for friends to get out of class anyway.” Horrid idea. When me and Dan would do things like just vaccuum one noticeable square of the carpet so our parents would think we did the whole house, our dad used to say, “How can you be good in school but still mostly dumb?” It’s ideas like this Friday-shift that remind me of why he’s right.

And I’m still on this Friday shift. It’s really not that cool. It’s quiet at least. Because everyone is outside in the sun. But at least there are windows. Why today you know? Hottest day of the year so far. This isn’t the best way to spend it. Dan has a new 10 Things I Think About. Stealing is still hot these days.