June 9, 2007

The Departed

departed-poster-1 copy.jpgThese review scores are usually fairly arbitrary–I give everything a five. The Departed gets a six! That exclamation point is the only way I can demonstrate how excited I am about how good this was. Yes, it’s my first viewing, and I’ve been trying like mad for a few months now trying not to have it spoiled. It’s becoming harder to care for characters in movies, but these guys did the trick.

I just found out right this minute that it’s based on Internal Affairs. There’s a handful of critics that go as far as saying that The Departed “pales in comparison.” Really? I should watch and find out for myself, but when will I find the time? Oh, that’s right, any day in the next three-and-a-half months because I’m a bum. Anyway, great acting, great score, great um everything. Good description huh.