September 4, 2007

Top Chef Season 3: Choosing someone to root for

Last week Tre was eliminated from Top Chef. It felt like I was watching Andy Garcia’s execution in Black Rain. I’ve been trying to find a clip online of the scene, but I failed. Instead, I give you this deleted Last Samurai scene with Ujio showing some idiots who’s boss. Anyway, seven contestants remain, so join me today as I decide who will get my unwavering support. But first I’d like to briefly mention my favorite moment from Top Chef Season 3. There was an episode where they had to staff and cook in food carts for late-night club-goers. In this episode, the Mexican lady was in charge of making tacos and Tre made grits.

On to the contestants.

Brian Malarkey

Quit the Malarkey! Good last name. I haven’t really paid attention to him on the show, but I know he was on Tre’s team and messed up running their restaurant.

Casey Thompson

She’s not gonna win because she’s a girl. Some might call me sexist for that statement, but women don’t win Top Chef. Why root for someone who’s definitely not going to win? Unless it’s sports and you’re die hard, but it’s not like there’s a team of Casey Thompsons that my kids will root for and someday see win.

Chris “C.J.” Jacobson

He should be playing basketball or forming a 3-person tag team with Undertaker and Kane’s as their long lost brother, because he appears to be seven feet tall. Fun fact: he only has one testicle. Kind of a likable guy, but he was part of Tre’s losing team with Casey and Brian so I sort of blame them. I’ll reserve judgment.

Dale Levitski

“He loves the fact that the other contestants could be ‘out-cooked by a queer.'” Not gonna happen. I see him in the final four though. Fairly likable character. Hasn’t won an elimination challenge and only has a single quickfire victory.

Howie Kleinberg

I enjoyed the the thing they had going in highlighting his interaction with Joey. From bitter rivals to respected friends. Then Joey got eliminated (it was pretty emotional watching him break down after getting eliminated.) Now Howie just comes off as an asshole. But he makes sense a lot of the time. And this interview makes him seem like an actual good guy.

Hung Nguyen Huynh

I took a wild guess at his last name. At first the producers highlighted his arrogance. Which isn’t hard because there’s a lot of it. People seem to forget one of the last episodes of the last season where this season’s contestants got to be judges–Hung and Marcel were friends. Next to Kanye, they’re the 2nd and 3rd most arrogant people on the planet. But that was before, recently he’s kept his ego in check. He’s always put out good food, and watching him tear down chickens in the speed challenge was impressive. I did this in alphabetical order, but it sort of works out because he’s probably my winner. Except one person might have something to say about it, the last remaining contestant…

Sara Mair

Just kidding, she’s a bitch. Seriously. Sometimes they like to show edits of her sitting in the jacuzzi. These are kind of the worst part of my weeks.

And the winner is…

Not sure. To be honest, I can’t really choose someone wholeheartedly. I hope they just add a twist and that twist is that Tre and Camille get to come back. Remember, Wednesdays at 10pm on Bravo.