October 16, 2007

My motivational bulletin board

Here is a glimpse into my room.


This weekend I rearranged my bulletin board. Also I guess, except for the thumbtacks, I took off anything colorful. I was inspired by this Lifehacker post about Jerry Seinfeld’s “chaining” technique. Chaining is just another way to say “marking X’s on a calendar”. He used it to write a joke everyday. I have four sections to X off everyday: workout, study, humor book, and boring person post.

Workout means at least something. You always read that you need to set quantifiable goals. I’m just gonna have to be honest with myself on the definition of “something”. Study is the same way. On the board it says one hour of studying. I’ll just force myself to read a textbook if worse comes to worst.

Humor book is a little odd. Ok, for the past few years I’d go to the UW Bookstore (usually with Eduardo for whatever reason) and convince myself to buy another moleskine in some odd size. So I have a few of these lying around. I have one that I’ve designated as my humor book. It’s not my skeleton for a stand-up career or anything; I just write things down that made me laugh in the day. It’s inspired by Jimmy Valvano’s speech at the 1993 ESPY’s (Laugh, think, and cry). My little book is probably a little corny, but hey who cares?

Boring Person post is just what it sounds like. I’m going to post something every day. Well, if I want to earn that X. I’ve considered my history with this before. A real solid post probably isn’t realistic every day, so I’m gonna go ahead and count a single link as worthy. So there should hopefully be more posts, but I can’t really guarantee they’ll be good. I hope it’s somewhat enjoyable, wish me luck.