Good movie not a great comedy, if you expect a comedy to make you laugh throughout. I smiled a lot, but nothing really had me in fits. But I might not be the best one to trust on this one, because a good amount of the theater laughed pretty hard consistently. I think my expectations were way too high. Especially since I had been excited for months about it being a movie with Michael and George Michael before I found out they weren’t really main characters. Lots of people said Ellen Page is better than Michael Cera in this, but I think that’s mostly just because he’s not really in the movie all that much. His scenes were easily the funniest.
This movie is sort of like an independent version of disguised chick flicks, like 40-Year-Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers. Unlike those, I actually liked the second half of Juno a lot more than the first. The theater was probably 80% full, so it’s still showing strong legs for a month-old movie, though the Oscar nomination probably didn’t hurt. Also, the trivia and title unscrambling before the movie had literally 7 slides total that repeated 5 times. Theaters need to work on that.
Spoilers: The dancing scene in the basement was very, very uncomfortable to watch. I imagine that was the point, so kudos for that. Also, I don’t know a lot about the history of the Academy Awards and what it takes to get nominated, but I think I can see why Ellen Page got the nod. You see a lot of crying scenes in movies, but Juno crying in her van is up there with Ron Franz crying in his truck in Into The Wild.
P.S. If you’re a girl, disregard anything I said, you’ll love Juno.