Last year I got sidetracked in my 2006 post and promised to finish it. But I never did. This time, I think I’ll go more along the lines of my 2004 post.
Best Good Time: Weekend in San Diego. It was between this and the week in San Diego/Vegas. Anyway, me and Russ were talking about all the places we went to and things we did, and it sounded like we were there for two weeks. Oh, and it also helped to be staying at Dan’s temporary oceanfront condo. Check this list out (Type: Condo).
Worst Bad Time: Weekend at the EE lab. Staying overnight to do schoolwork isn’t that great, but there are positives like ordering pizza and knowing that you’re only missing out on sleep. Coming in on weekends is different, there’s basically nothing good about it. It just means you’re behind and probably missing out on fun time with your friends.
Favorite Movie: Superbad. This was tough. Going by my review scores, this was between Superbad, Transformers, and Children of Men. I don’t even remember Children of Men being released this year. Children of Men was amazing in theaters, and it was still great when I re-watched it on DVD. Transformers was the most fun to watch in theaters. But if I had the option to go back and see only one of the three, I’d choose Superbad. I’m biased toward George Michael.
I really liked American Gangster, but my enthusiasm for it waned after reading a bunch of articles and interviews with Frank Lucas and realizing he wasn’t exactly that great a person (Not that the movie made him out to be an upstanding citizen, but he at least seemed to follow some kind of moral code). Then I watched The Godfather and The Godfather Part II, and AG really can’t compare. It’s a little too long.
[Update: Favorite Movie: 300. How the hell did I forget 300.]
Not-so-favorite Movie: Bug. Easily the worst movie I saw in 2007 because it’s easily the worst movie I’ve ever seen, period. I don’t see it being topped anytime soon. Somehow, they cut it up and made a decent trailer. Unfortunately, it isn’t of the so-bad-it’s-good type—it’s just bad. Thirty minutes in, Jason and Wally were ready to leave. Russ was asleep, sprawled across three seats. But me? I had faith through the whole movie that it’d turn a corner and redeem itself. Never happened.
Best Meal: Brazilian Place in San Diego. Meat, meat, meat. You’ve probably heard of these places, but I’ll explain anyway. They bring large cuts of meat around on rods and slice pieces off for you. And it doesn’t stop. Kind of worth it.
Worst Meal: When I tried to make chimichurri for my friends.. And I only used 6 limes for 6 pounds of meat. One of the more disappointing moments this year. But we watched Best of Wrestlemania I-XIV, so it was still a pretty good time.
Game of the Year: Rock Band. I was going to say Starcraft again, but having a full group playing Rock Band is sort of the most fun you can have in front of a TV screen. It helped that Jason was around, who actually volunteers to be singer. Here’s a clip of Conan and his staff playing Rock Band.
Book: Kings of New York: : A Year Among the Geeks, Oddballs, and Geniuses Who Make Up America’s Top High School Chess Team. I’d say Harry Potter I-VI, but I sort of wanted to have something from this year (which is why The Godfather isn’t my top movie pick) and I didn’t read VII yet. Anyway, if you have even a passing interest in chess (AKA you liked Searching for Bobby Fisher), it’s probably worth reading.
Favorite song: Everything I Am – Kanye West. This was sort of chosen by the numbers. I just opened up iTunes, looked at what had the most listens, multiplied it by the song length, and chose the song with the highest total. Even without that formula, I’d probably say this was my favorite song. Also, it should be mentioned that every song on Meg & Dia has at least 80 plays. It’s been my go-to study music.
Favorite video clip: Malibu, the American Gladiator. I almost forgot that this was from this year. It’s the kind of thing that makes you glad someone invented the internet. I don’t watch The Hills, but this parody cracked me up. Also, Clark and Michael is good, so go watch all of that. And this trailer for Minesweeper: The Movie is a very close second.