January 23, 2008


I was watching it and then I looked at the time elapsed and only thirty minutes were left for everything to be resolved. This includes solving a hieroglyphic puzzle, tying up a romance, and, oh yeah, saving humanity from the Sun God Ra. I thought there was really no way the end could be any good, and it wasn’t.

There’s supposedly a 3-hour extended version that brings to light a bunch of political and cultural issues. And it was also more violent and garnered an X-rating. It was bootlegged on VHS and sold and traded at comic and sci-fi conventions. People on forums claim to have seen this version or know a person that has it, but nobody has actual proof. All this pretty much points to this not being true, similar to how that kid in your neighborhood didn’t actually have a Super Nintendo 2 that his Dad bought in Japan that he couldn’t show you. Anyway, Stargate is entertaining enough, but this mythical version sounds far more interesting.