February 23, 2008

RoboCop II

There are two reasons that RoboCop is remembered as a good acction movie rather than a good action trilogy. Reason number one is RoboCop II. Public opinion of this movie is that they somehow forget the entire end of the first movie where Murphy is humanized and that it’s uncomfortable to watch a kid as the bad guy. The whole dehumanizing has some sort of explanation in the movie (he’s been reprogrammed) so that didn’t bother me much. The kid villain though, definitely awful. I sort of expected one of those scenes where they remind you that even though he deals dope and nearly garrottes a cop, he’s still just a kid. The closest thing to that is when he has to look away when watching a guy get his chest cavity split down the middle and wedged open. Frank Miller was credited with the screenplay. Not exactly his best work.