The King of Kong is a documentary presenting the history of Billy Mitchell and following Steve Wiebe, a guy from Washington, in his attempt to beat Billy’s Donkey Kong world record. It’s better than I just made it sound right now. Unless I actually sold you already, then go watch it. The most interesting parts of the movie are shots of Billy interacting with his cronies in person or over the phone. Before watching the movie, I already had some idea of Billy being a little on the odd side. After watching, he’s got to be one of the least likable guys in America.
On the other side there’s Steve Wiebe, who’s basically the exact opposite—a likable loser. It’s another telling of David vs. Goliath. In this case, David is a former-jock trying to impress nerds by toppling the nerd-king. Kind of the opposite of high school. It’s an enjoyable 90 minutes.