A little tradition for the past few years has been to do dinner and a movie on Fridays when possible. You might jump to conclusions and think that “when possible” means “when I can get a date“, but it actually means “when two or three or sometimes even four other guys are free.” Graduation for some of them is a quarter away and I can’t make it on Fridays next quarter (more on that in about a week), so last week was our last chance to gorge ourselves on breadsticks and take in a movie. And we put all our trust in Eduardo to choose the movie for our ultimate (both definitions) dude’s night out. He didn’t let us down.
The title is deceptively lame. It’s one of the better heist movies I can remember. It’s almost like Jason Statham simply stepped out of The Italian Job and into 1971 London. And that’s not a bad thing. The bonus is that it’s heavy on British accents so you get the increased comedy of “wanker” and “bloody” dispersed throughout. I wouldn’t say the heist itself is as clever as The Italian Job or Ocean’s, but the tenuously-based-on-a-true-story aspect helps. You don’t have to suspend your disbelief much since they use technology from the 1970s like drills and hammers instead of electromagnetic pinches. The other half reminds me a lot of the Bourne movies. There’s a lot of negotiation. Which sounds sort of boring I’m writing it out, but it’s the good kind don’t worry. Anyway, I’m fairly confident (especially if you’re a guy) that it’s worth dropping them Hamiltons to see in the theater.