Mystery Men is about some lackey superheroes (think The Tick, but with even fewer powers) grouping together to fight evil when Captain Amazing, the city’s only actual superhero, is captured. I don’t remember how well the movie was received upon release, but it hasn’t held up well. I thought I watched it years ago on TV, but I was probably thinking of Blankman or something, because it was all new to me.
There are definitely a few good laughs in there, and most are a result of Ben Stiller being Ben Stiller. He’s Roy the rager, who basically gets really angry. As for the rest of the team the only one worth mentioning is Invisible Boy, who I thought was Sisqo for about half the movie until I realized it was Kel from Kenan and Kel and Dance 360 fame. The Shoveler, The Blue Raja, The Bowler, The Spleen, and The Sphinx round out the group.
The not-so-super hero concept is good, but I probably should’ve just watched it in middle school when I really would’ve enjoyed it.