Woke up. Jason woke up. Jason started playing guitar directly into Wally’s ear. Wally woke up.
We were hungry. Each of us got ready and I tried to look up a place to eat. I found a review for one of those Korean buffets that said, “Don’t come here unless you want to eat meat, meat, and more meat.”
We drove to the spot in search of meat, meat, and more meat. Except we parked, walked in, and the electricity was out. So the meat was raw and staying that way. Until this lady barges in and says, “Just open the door, we don’t need the vents.” Me, I’m all for fire codes and not inhaling smoke. But I’m also all for cooking meat and eating it. And the meat wins the tiebreaker so the flames were started and we were cooking.
And soon we were eating. And the lights came back on. And we were eating some more. I also saw my life flash before my eyes when a squid tentacle made it halfway down my windpipe. But I grabbed the other end and pulled it out. It was like a movie where someone is going down quicksand but someone else grabs their hand and saves their life at the last second. Except it was my own life. Anyway, I’m pretty sure we ran through 30 flanken short-ribs and few more pounds of meat. Our plans for the rest of the day were movie, bowl, then head downtown.
We used the gps to find a theater with enough screens that it might still have Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Tip: just because it has 24 in the name doesn’t mean it has 24 screens.
We used the gps to find another theater. Wally and Jason were in their food comas by the time I parked. Instead of checking the showtimes, I went into food coma also. We woke up an hour and a half later, then checked the times. Before I slept would’ve been a good time to enter for the previous showing and we missed the current showing by 20 minutes. Next one was in two hours, so we went to some caf?©.
We drank coffee in the caf?©.
Then we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I’ll write a separate review for it sometime. I think it was Jason’s first time seeing the Get Smart preview. He was dying.
We went to 300 for a little early evening bowling. Except it was a weekend night, when the bowling alley turns into the ballin’ alley. You get what you pay for though. The lanes work, the balls are decent, and the shoes are basically the best rental shoes I’ve ever got in an alley. It was a fun time. Jason was two pins from a 200. The bad part about it is that they have these giant projector screens above the pins. Well, they’re actually cool, but what’s bad is that they play music videos. Which also is sort of cool, but what’s bad is that it seemed like the only music they’d play had to have a music video to accompany it. Terrible selection. I’m extremely accustomed to hearing “Enter Sandman” during cosmic bowling, so the music was disappointing.
A couple with two toddlers were on the lane next to us sharing our computer. I was walking back from a throw when I saw Jason and Wally pointing at something. One of the kids was sprinting down the lane and about halfway to the pins. And the mom gave chase. But the wax floor was waiting all day for an opportunity like this and soon she was horizontal in the air like in the cartoons. And soon after on the ground, while everyone in the lanes nearby had bug eyes and hands covering their mouths. Sort of the funniest thing we saw since Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Don’t worry, she was ok. We finished with some Big Buck Hunter, then we went home to shower.
We got ready real fast to try and get to the hookah bar before it closed. We made good time and made it there with an hour left before closing. It’s awesome because everyone sits on these couches and it seemed like everyone else was in a group with girls. We hung out with a girl on Friday though, so we were still in the one to two month interim. Can’t go too crazy now. Hookah is hookah—something to do. Which reminds me of Good Will Hunting where Will says we may as well sit at a table and eat caramels since it’s just as arbitrary as getting coffee. That’s what hookah is: eating caramels. The best thing is that since there were three of us, any time one of us went to the restroom it looked like the other two were on a date, sharing.
On the way to the parking lot we saw four friends arguing. Or two I guess, and the other two were trying to calm them down. One guy was peeing in an alley and yelling, “If you get near me I’ll kick your ass.” And the other guy was yelling at one of the calm-down guys, “He’s just so inconsiderate! He doesn’t think about how I feel!” Guy peeing on a dumpster vs. emotion guy. It’s pretty clear who’s winning this fight.
We went to In ‘N’ Out but it was closed. Then we went to Jack in the Box. I knew a place. I just didn’t know it turned into Thug Hangout Volume 2 at night. While waiting to order, some dude on dub dubs pulled up next to us, burned out, then dipped. Sort of baffling. Me and Wally split a Western Sirloin Burger. No contest. Jack in the Box stomped Carl’s Jr. out on this one. I had the regular sirloin burger and wasn’t impressed, but the Western was on point. Then we slept.