Just wanted to point out the first page of the April 2006 archive that I stumbled on. After page two it sort of breaks, but that first page makes it look like all I did was go to parties and concerts. That did have the week where it was something like Murs on Tuesday and QN5 on Thursday and I skipped a Giada De Laurentiis book signing on Wednesday because I had homework and was tired.
I remember that well because I still regret it. I told Wally this thing I do once in a while to decide whether or not to do things. Basically, I ask myself, “In ten years, will I regret not doing it?” (Or “will I regret doing it”, or “will I remember it”, or “will it matter”, etc.) For instance, I recently made that decision to go to San Francisco more often because I’d probably be kicking myself down the road for something like if I ever heard Anthony Bourdain mention Swan Oyster Depot and I never went.