Trying to get back in the swing of things. I think I’m almost there.
Fantasy football
In both my leagues, I was up big heading into Monday. Except the other guy in both leagues had Adrian Peterson. Luckily, it was Reggie that went off. So I finally won in both leagues for once. Things are looking up in my life!
New computer
Used one of those coupons that are always on those deals site to pick up an HP Pavilion m9300t. Core 2 Quad and 4GB of RAM. Which really doesn’t mean that much to me because I haven’t paid attention to hardware since building a desktop right before college. What I do know is that I’ve been on a 4-year old desktop and downgraded further for the last six months to a less powerful laptop.
My old PC breaking was my fault mostly. Because XP was having trouble finding some driver during startup and was hanging. And I looked up solutions online and most recommended sticking the Windows disc in or just turning it off and on. But I decided to just let it keep searching while I slept. In the morning I heard the dreadful clicking noise. I just remembered that I already wrote about this in a previous post.
But I didn’t mention that I tried to fix the hard drive. I read that you can stick it in the freezer or tap it during startup. So I pulled the side panel off my case, turned it on, and whacked the drive with a hammer right before when it would start clicking. Which seemed to break the motherboard in some way or another. Anyway, I’m happy with my new computer.
Microsoft, I’m not mad at cha. Back in high school, I used to be really into partitioning everything, setting drives for scratch disks for various programs, and hitting “custom install” during program installations and spending half an hour picking different options. Not so much anymore. So user account control really doesn’t bother me. Sure, I need an extra click to approve during installation, which is annoying during the first few days when I’ve been installing multiple programs on a given day. But it rarely nags me now.
The pros far outweigh the cons. Search works quickly. The alt+up shortcut to go up a directory is one of those small things I’ve always wanted. And, um, that’s all that comes to mind. But hey, that’s enough to make me happy. Maybe I exaggerated when I said “far outweigh”. And it might just be that I’m enjoying the speed of the new hardware.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Highly recommended. It’s no Arrested Development. But I’m biased. Very, very biased. It’s definitely friendlier to new viewers than AD was. You can sort of jump in, because it’s more in the old guard of sitcoms where there aren’t a lot of running storylines. It gets really good in the third season, with Danny DeVito as a regular character. The fourth season has started off promising. P.S. Also be prepared to suspend your disbelief.
iPod Nano
Sometime this past winter, my first generation Nano cracked. Not sure exactly why. In the meantime, I’ve been using a shuffle. And I’ve been using binder clips to strap it to my shorts when going to the gym. Which I’m ok with. But to know what’s on it, I’ve just been sticking a dozen or so songs on it at a time. Screens are awfully useful. So I ordered one of the refurbished third generation Nanos. Same screen size and some argue that the square-ish form factor is better than the current update’s oval shape. As far as capacity goes, I think 8GB should be plenty, because my other Nano was 4GB and that was plenty. Seems to make sense. Except I suppose there’d be video, but I’m not planning to use it for video. I’ll see, I guess.
This wasn’t the most engaging post ever. Practice makes perfect!