January 19, 2009

The Wrestler

I agree with the reviews, it’s a great movie.¨Ü If you’re gonna read one review, read Bill Simmons’s:

Of course, The Wrestler resonates for a more sinister reason, too. Pro wrestling chews up and spits out its athletes with grueling schedules, brutal physical punishment and a tacit understanding that performance enhancers are okayǃÓas are greenies, sleeping pills and painkillers. These guys destroy their bodies, then their hearts give out and they die. Google the phrase “dead wrestlers,” and your computer will start to smoke like an overtaxed car engine.

The movie opens with Rourke preparing for a show in the locker room with other wrestlers planning their upcoming matches with opponents.¨Ü The scene sets the tone and exemplifies what the movie accomplishes best—authenticity (well, it seems authentic from reading a few wrestling biographies and being a little too into wrestling when I was younger).¨Ü Throughout, he tapes his joints, pops pills, and injects various fluids.¨Ü It’s a better look into what goes on behind the curtain than than any documentary provides.¨Ü And it reminds you that for every wrestler that’s paid by Vince McMahon, there are probably another hundred breaking their backs to entertain a few hundred fans on a good night.¨Ü There’s a lot of sacrifice involved in putting on fake fights.

I tried to think about when I stopped watching wrestling.¨Ü And Owen Hart’s death came to mind.¨Ü I watched a lot less after that and basically stopped after WCW got bought and the Monday Night war ended.¨Ü Anyway, this tidbit from Wikipedia (about the Monday Night Raw the day after Owen’s death) sort of broke my heart:

Bradshaw talked about how Hart spent less money on the road than most wrestlers because he wanted to retire early and spend time with his family.

Back to the movie.¨Ü The performances are nearly flawless.¨Ü There’s a chilling scene with Rourke walking through the back of a supermarket but the audio track is of fans cheering in an arena.¨Ü It’s just one part of a fantastic movie; don’t miss it, especially if you’ve ever been a fan of professional wrestling.