February 4, 2009

Simmons: final toss for the dooze

One final toss for The Dooze. Bill Simmons wrote a few thousand words about his dog.¨Ü This is a couple weeks old, but it’s not quickly made irrelevant like most sports stories, because it’s not really a sports story.

When my arm started aching, I bought one of those green ball-thrower sticks and turned into Greg Maddux, circa 1995, with that thing. I had pinpoint aim. I wanted to compete in the Olympics with The Dooze in whatever you would call this category. Nobody could consistently fling balls reminiscent of a perfect golf drive quite like me. What a dumb thing to be proud of … and yet, The Dooze was the only one who fully appreciated it.

If you enjoy dogs at all, your heart will break.