May 12, 2009

District 9 Trailer

District 9 trailer.¨Ü It’s probably safe to say The Dark Knight is better than anything coming out this summer, but it’s also probably safe to say that this summer as a whole will be better overall.¨Ü Star Trek was awesome.¨Ü Wolverine was better than the reviews had me expecting.

Predictions for upcoming movies: Terminator and Harry Potter will be fantastic; Transformers 2 can’t live up to its ridiculously-high expectations (the exact opposite of the first installment—before the trailers for the first movie came out, I don’t think it’s exaggerating to say that expectations were on the same level as the Dragonball movie); Most of the cast makes me worry about G.I. Joe; And I think Up will be as good as Ratatouille (Though it looked really nice, I wasn’t as high on WALL-E because I couldn’t get past them being robots the same way I could get past, say, toys and clown fish.¨Ü Plus my expectations were super high.¨Ü Then I watched Idiocracy and that completely ruined WALL-E for me.)

Oh yeah, and District 9 seems interesting enough: Peter Jackson doing an alien movie, what’s not to like?