June 30, 2009

Brazilian BBQ

One of my favorite places on Earth. Here’s a map of some of my other favorite places in the country (scroll around for more locations, they seem to line the coasts). We went during lunch so the selection was halved, but it had most of what I liked. And lunch of course had what I don’t like–the sausage. It’s not bad, in fact it’d actually probably pretty good with a bun outside of the restaurant. But inside the restaurant, the guy with the sausage rod (haha) might as well be selling otter pops at a Cold Stone. The biggest shame is that the sides at these places are really, really good but it’s just not the time to fill up on them.

Brazilian BBQBrazilian BBQBrazilian BBQBrazilian BBQBrazilian BBQBrazilian BBQBrazilian BBQ