August 28, 2009

Kevin Wildes was on the B.S. Report today. (Clicking this link will resize your window and open up the ESPN player.) He’s an ESPN producer (currently working on SportsNation) and one of my favorite guests on Bill Simmons’s podcast. When Kevin Wildes goes on the podcast, he presents three half-baked ideas (example from the past: a bar with movable walls that makes the room bigger or smaller based on how many people are in the bar, because 30 people in a small bar is fun but if it’s a huge place it just feels empty and 120 people in a small bar is too crowded.) This one was really good.

But I decided to post it because they mention an old urban legend that Michael Jordan essentially owns the rights to all footage of himself. And Bill Simmons confirms that it’s true (as much as Bill Simmons saying it’s true counts as confirming something, but that’s good enough for me.) And I think that sort of answers the question I had during May and June: why isn’t Michael Jordan in more NBA commercials? They absolutely could have given his last shot the CGI’d empty stadium treatment.