November 8, 2009

Hawaii thoughts 2009: Friday

Hawaii was only a couple of weeks ago, but the sunny beaches seem so far gone at this point. So I think the best I can do right now is a bulleted list of thoughts from the trip. I’ll try to make it cohesive.

Thursday we flew out in the afternoon. Nothing special about that. Took a taxi with Dan, Junior, and Paul from Paul’s apartment and met up with Jon at Seatac. And the hours at the airport were typical. Security then the food court. Then getting on the plane. Jackpot.

I sat next to, from what I could gather, Mariah Carey’s biggest fan. Or one of her assistants. The first thing I noticed is that he had a picture of her at some kind of pre-show event as his iPhone background image. Not a huge deal, I’m sure plenty of people have her as a wallpaper. But then he brought out a MacBook Air. Mariah Carey as the desktop background. That makes two things that aren’t really all that odd. Then he started watching Mariah Carey music videos. Ok he’s a fan. But after the music videos, he started watching Mariah Carey acceptance speeches. Then I got a better look at his iPhone background and realized he’s in the picture with her. In the meantime, I was watching highlights of Independence Day. Can’t blame the guy, you gotta get your fix on the airplane. Oh yeah he also bought a snack pack on the flight and from what I gathered he was a vegetarian. He gave me his hard salami. Cool dude.

I underestimated the flight and had my mind prepared for a 3-hour flight instead of a nearly 6-hour flight. And I thought I slept for at least an hour when it turns out I dozed off for about fifteen minutes. It’s the third flight I’ve brought Atlas Shrugged on and at this point I don’t know if I’m ever going to finish the last two hundred pages. Me, Junior, Paul, and Jon drew comic book characters. You know what, I’m just going to skip to Hawaii.

It was hot, but it’s really the humidity that hits you when you step off the plane. But nothing’s better than stepping off a plane and seeing palm trees. I basically associate this with Hawaii and San Diego. I feel like I’m rewriting Dan’s Friday entry. It wasn’t the most eventful night. We rented the car, checked in, claimed our beds, and went to L&L and met up with RJ at The Shack for $2 beers. I also ran into a few people I graduated with in High School. I spent $2 + tip. Too full, too bloated, too tired.

I guess the only thing I can add is a thought about the room. We had three beds and having everybody in the same room probably doubles the fun of time spent in the room. If you want to gather everybody before heading out, you have a huge room. You know when people are awake in the morning and you can talk until the wee hours of the morning at night. The only negative is the single bathroom. Getting as many beds in a room as possible is highly recommended. But I guess that only really applies to groups of all guys or all girls. Couples would want to have their own room. That’s just speculation, since I’m so far away from knowing first hand. I’ll finish the other days this week hopefully. I’m gonna go slam the balcony’s sliding door on my head right now.