November 8, 2009

November is a good month

I’m trying to blog in WriteRoom now. I got it off the free MacHeist bundle. Go get it! (Free Twitterific stands out). In the past week I’ve tried avoiding Facebook, Twitter, and Google Reader because they can take up so much time. And I’ve done a pretty good job. But that’s because we started playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare last weekend to prepare for Modern Warfare 2 this week. The last time I was this excited for a release was probably for The Half Blood Prince and Terminator: Salvation prior to that (what a letdown).

Anyway, my friends have been excited for November for a while. Last month had one of the greatest weeks ever: Jay-Z concert to start it and a trip to Hawaii to end it. Which I still need to write about, though I should’ve written about it on the airplane when the memories were still fresh. But I digress. November has been circled on the calendar basically for MW2, but then a couple of other things came up. Pun intended. Along with that DVD release (do we say “DVD/Blu-Ray release” now and eventually just “Blu-Ray release”?), there’s 2012 and then Ninja Assassin. Plus basketball is back. We get to see how all those NBA summer moves pan out and UW gets to see how good Abdul Gaddy actually is. I really liked last year’s squad. When announcers say “would you want to go to the trenches with so and so”, most of the roster fits that description. It should be good. And on the other side of things, UW will get a chance to avenge last year’s awful Apple Cup loss. And of course there’s Thanksgiving. One of the holidays that gets better as you get older. Maybe the only one, though I’m sure I’m missing something. Halloween depends on how you rank slutty costumes vs. fun-size candy. So that makes two holidays that get better as you get older.

This Thanksgiving has the added bonus of doubling as the first long weekend with MW2. It’s hard to describe how exciting this is. But since only a couple dozen people read this, half of you know exactly how exciting this is.

I almost forgot. The Blackberry 9700 comes out this month also. I loved my G1 for messaging and browsing and really loved it for Google Maps with GPS. Everything was great about it except the time that it stopped turning on. So I went to Dan’s old Blackberry Pearl. I’ve read comments that the only killer app on the Blackberry is Blackberry Messenger. And that’s become the main form of communication between a majority of my close friends so it’s definitely a major pro in deciding whether I want to get a 9700 or not. I’m pretty sure I’ll miss browsing on the G1, but I was usually just on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Reader so it’s probably not as huge a loss as I’m thinking. (Plus if I really want access to those, their respective Blackberry apps seem really good.) I’ll also miss having Gmail in my pocket, specifically how well it handles threaded emails. But other than that I’m looking forward to having a Blackberry that doesn’t give me the finger (read: hourglass icon) every time I want to do something other than make a call.