Colts vs. Saints
I pretty much liked all the teams that played today, probably in this order: Colts, Vikings, Saints, Jets. I’m happy with the Super Bowl matchup. I’ll be rooting for the Colts but I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing New Orleans the city celebrating a Super Bowl win. I’m such a fence sitter—don’t worry, it sickens me too.
Dan is in Japan
My brother is working in Japan for a couple months. I haven’t had a chance to talk to him much, so I have no idea where the hell he took this picture, but it cracks me up. Mostly because it’s ridiculous, but also because it reminds me of one of the best Arrested Development episodes.
Bob reminds Michael to make sure that his family do not deceive the Japanese investors, or else they can all end up in prison. But Michael does not get there in time. G.O.B. has already lined up the investors and opens the curtains to reveal his “tiny town”. Surprisingly, it looks pretty good, and the investors are pleased. Michael wants Gob to close the curtains and not accept any money from the investors. But before G.O.B. can, Tobias, dressed in a mole costume, walks over the hill and begins smashing the tiny houses. Within seconds, George Michael, strapped into the jet pack, swoops out of the sky and knocks Tobias over.
Hardest I can remember laughing watching a show by myself.
I love this dunk
I love this video
Done by the same guy that did the great ‘Home’ video.
Not sure if this is real or fake and I’m still deciding if it’s awesome or awful
Bill Simmons often says it’s amazing that these days you can watch Piper smash a coconut over Jimmy Snuka’s head at your leisure. Anyway, it blows my mind that the above video even exists. Update: I’m leaning towards ‘awful’.
We were playing MW2 today…
and Jason said he had to leave to go to sleep and the rest of us of course gave him the usual “come on just one more” and “you can’t be that tired”. Usually this gets one more game out of whoever, but his response this time was “I ran a marathon today”. Jason, congratulations on your second marathon.