Here’s Ren?© Higuita performing a scorpion kick, where he blocks an incoming goal by launching himself parallel to the ground and kicking the ball with his heels (think of the lying leg curl machine in the gym). Ren?© Higuita was the goalie for Colombia’s national team during their glory years in the early nineties. ESPN’s most recent film in their 30 for 30 series is The Two Escobars, which focuses on the Colombian team and shows the connections Pablo Escobar, the national team, and the murder of team captain Andr?©s Escobar. I watched it last week and it was one of the best in the series, which is saying a lot considering most of the films have ranged from very good to great.
P.S. There are a number of good clips related to that particular Colombian national team, but the film is put together as a narrative and it’s not the most well known story so it’s spoilable and I hate spoiling things.