Basketbawful presents a list of crap shots. Great read. Here’s my go-to shot.
The panic shot: Sometimes a pickup baller will get themselves into trouble and, not seeing any other way, they just take the shot…no matter how ridiculous that shot may be. I had a friend named Brian who once drove, got stopped at the free throw line, spun around so that his back was facing the basket, jumped straight up and flipped the ball over his head toward (I assume) the rim. Again, I probably don’t need to tell you how that turned out.
At Oak Harbor’s base gym (in the days of yore), I picked up my dribble, decided it wasn’t a good idea to take a fadeaway three over a 6’2″ guy, pivoted a few times looking to pass, then changed my mind and decided it was a great idea to take the fadeaway three over a 6’2″ guy. Someone was very unhappy with me. (Hint: name rhymes with “gone”, good at basketball.)