I like re-reading these captioned photo posts. And I have a bunch of camera photos from the past few months. These are ordered from newest to oldest. First up, a picture from Target of the Hunger Games trilogy. The final book came out in August. I need to finish it. Things that are better as fiction: It the Clown, The Battle of Thermopylae, and children being forced into battle with each other.

Tubo doing things that Tubo does. I caught him using one of those sites where you input your rubik’s cube and then get a long list of moves to follow to solve it. Rubik’s cubes were annoying to me because it boils down to memorizing sequences and doing them as quickly as possible.
But yesterday, for whatever reason (read: LOTS of free time), I decided to do just that. So I can solve the cube now and I was thinking of trying to get my time under a minute, but then I realized there’s a direct correlation between the amount of time it takes me to solve a rubik’s cube and my progress as a human being. In the end, Tubo uses the solving sites because he’s got better things to do. I dream of some day having better things to do.

Harvey held a poker night. Great times. The first picture is Albert holding the iPad up so that we can all watch the Catfish trailer. Catfish looks interesting but then there’s speculation about how true it is. The trailer says it’s “just true”, but the consensus from the never-lying internet is that it’s not all true. The second picture is of Gee sleeping. I was planning to email it to the iPad to sketch a wicked dong on and have Albert hold up the final composition to present it to the guys like he did for the Catfish trailer.

Here’s a girl from Cupcake Wars. Who I love. She’s from Tennessee and has a southern accent. Unfortunately, she got crushed in the Cupcake War.

I spent last week in Oak Harbor. My mom bought a bunch of Dark Chocolate Chex Mix. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on my blog before, but I’m a slut for this stuff. I’m gonna go ahead and call it my single favorite snack that comes in a bag. With a little bit of help I managed to finish a bag a day. I hope you’re proud of me!
I had the honor of taking home the leftover camping food so there was plenty of stuff for s’mores. We made some of these to snack on while playing cards and watching those awful horror movies that are all over Comcast OnDemand. Off the top of my head, we watched Catacombs, Hostel, Hostel 2, Cabin Fever 2, and See No Evil. And actually paid attention to Killers and Let the Right One In. And also saw The Town. All in a week! If you weren’t proud of me before, I know you are now.

We didn’t take as many food prep pictures this year, but here’s our shopping cart for the camping food. Missing: graham crackers. Ham Porter would’ve never let me hear the end of it! And here’s a picture of the cole slaw we made. I really liked it. I hate making things with mayonnaise though, because it gives me Subway flashbacks. Like the first time I made seafood sensation and my manager told me, “Watch out when you open the bag, it’s gonna smell like fart.”

Here’s Marvin and Tubo arm wrestling. Here’s Marvin and Tubo MMA’ing.