Continuing into December. The big event was Curt and Dyane’s wedding. I was able to visit Washington for ten days. I guess we’ll get to that. I’ll start from the beginning.
I finally got a chance to sit down and play Call of Duty: Black Ops. Jamie got Dan a Kinect for his birthday and I opened up my friends list to see this masterpiece: Kuya Skan-Skan breaking it down. Now’s a good time for the annual reminder that my brother’s screen name is short for Skandalez_Pinoy_360.

Ralph’s had a sale on Vitamin Water. $10 for 20. $0.50 a piece! I went nuts; this is my life. Check your address bar, bro, I didn’t promise anything exciting.

I was supposed to go to a company Christmas party with Jason but then he did the unthinkable and found a girl to go with. Luckily, Jason’s BFF Chris invited me to go to LA for a couple of his friends’ birthdays. I thought cool we’re going clubbing in LA, but it turned out to be a night at the Magic Castle. Basically a magic school. If you watch Arrested Development, it’s pretty much the Magician’s Alliance headquarters.
Anyway, it was a blast. Really strict dress code for whatever reason. (I admit it does add to the ambience.) You walk in and there’s a really nice bar. We got drinks and then watched a magician in a small theater that sat a couple dozen people. We weren’t hammered or anything but it was enough that some relatively simple illusions blew our minds. It was really a bunch of variations of the ball and a cup trick, but with our reactions you’d think the guy was cutting his limbs off and reattaching them.
Then we had dinner, which was pretty good. And the final part was a show in a bigger theater. Entertaining but I was full and tired so I couldn’t pay as much attention as I would’ve liked. If you have a chance to go, I highly recommend going at least once. I’d love to go back again.

Marvin’s cousin Andrew invited me to his birthday party. Going in, I had met literally three people, but it was really really fun. And they got salt and pepper chicken from some place in National City and I kind of went off on that.

Chargers vs. Raiders. Jason won a work raffle and was able to pick up a couple of tickets. We decided to do it sort of big and tailgate. We prepped brats, chicken, snacks, brought a couple twelve packs, packed the grill, then stared at traffic for an hour. Apparently three hours early isn’t even close to enough. We ended up parking more than a mile away and didn’t have time to do anything except chug.

It turned out alright though. We parked far enough away that we wandered by a Costco on the way to the stadium. Hot dog, soda, and a churro please! That’s like a $16 stadium value. Jason got a chicken bake. You’d probably have to commit a felony to get anything resembling that for under $5 in the stadium. Speaking of felonies, here’s a picture of Raiders fans!

And we brought the tailgate party home. Making lemonade out of lemons.

Jason’s going on deployment from February to June. One of Chris’s BFFs is leaving. One of my BFFs is leaving. Pretty easy to see where this is going. New BFFs! “SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!” – Captain Nathan Algren

Ok kind of tired. I think this’ll end up being just two posts. Washington’s coming up.