Continuing on and finishing out the month.
Here’s a shot from Thanksgiving. Like I said, I missed everyone in Washington like crazy and I was trying to fly back home for Thanksgiving. But I waited too long and didn’t realize just how crazy flight prices get around major holidays.
It was sad to experience my first Thanksgiving without my family, but I was extremely lucky to be in the situation I was in. Curt’s parents and grandpa came down along with Curt’s sister Cindy and her husband Chris and their daughter. Our friend Donica also flew down to join us. And from in town Chris and his wife Ty and their daughter came. I joked about doing the “What are we thankful for?” thing around the table. But then we actually did it and I really was thankful that if I couldn’t be with my family that I was with another family that I’m very close to.
Anyway, this is Curt and Jason helping me prep the rib roast that we cooked in the grill. I claimed to cook the rib roast but basically I was just the guy that knew how it should be positioned and what temperature to shoot for. It was right around freezing in Washington so my friends loved seeing this picture of us hanging out in wife beaters.

I did, however, claim to cook the salmon and actually did. The top is panko and some kind of mustard and butter. It’s super hard to mess up so I’ve planned to use it to try and impress a girl someday.

Here’s a shot of the feast and a shot of my first plate. I ate myself into a food coma just like how Thanksgiving should be.

Curt and Dyane’s dog Hurley also got herself into some kind of coma. So I put my watch on her to see if she’d wake up. And then some other stuff. These are right before we drew penises on her face without thinking about whether or not she had a job interview or other function coming up.

Here’s a shot of the tri-tip sandwich from Phil’s BBQ that was featured on Man vs. Food. Again, really good but it doesn’t come with any sides. On the right is a shot of the ceviche at TJ’s Oyster Bar. I love that stuff. Enough that it inspired me and Jason to try and make some ourselves (but that’s December).

Here I am, pointing at the camera to present my breakfast dish. We had leftover Panko and when Jason was buying the Panko he took the last box and some lady told him that Panko’s the best for french toast. I went on to look up a recipe and make the Panko french toast (she’s right, it’s really good). Jason went on to tell his Panko-lady story about seventeen times throughout the weekend without regard to whether or not people had already heard the story.

Ok I lied, I thought we made ceviche in December but it was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I love the stuff so much.

Speaking of repeating stories, we put the Christmas tree up that weekend and I’ll just repeat my Facebook caption to close the month out: One for the baby mamas and one for the baby mamas’ mamas.