Right when I was starting to update regularly, I take like six weeks off. Here we go.
On my way to Washington I stood in the check-in line for like twenty minutes. I was thinking these people are all wearing the same sweater, they’re clearly a group, why aren’t they standing in the group line? It turns out they were probably thinking this guy’s not in a group, he’s clearly a loner, why’s he standing in the group line?

First stop in Seattle, Chiang’s Gourmet. I love this place. Here’s a picture of the noodles with bean curd. Which I’d never order just by the name alone. But Albert recommended it and now I crave it and don’t have any idea where I’d go in San Diego to fill that craving.

The big event, other than Christmas, was Curt and Dyane getting married. BFF. I’ll elaborate about that for five minutes later in this post or possibly in the next post. Here’s our friend Derek, Curt, and me on the right. I think we’re in third grade.

I was in my first wedding. Here’s the rehearsal. They had their wedding at the Grand Willow Inn, which is really nice on its own but even better all the winter decorations.

Bonus for the Grand Willow Inn is that it’s next to the gas station that has my favorite chicken gizzards. No joke. And you can’t really tell in this picture, but I grabbed a bag of some on the way home from rehearsal and that’s what I’m holding up.

The same night, after rehearsal dinner, I drove back up to Seattle to be closer to the airport because I was picking Jason up that night. And his flight was delayed over and over. It was good to see my old open-room nook again. I spent three months sleeping on this futon and lying to girls about where I slept when giving them tours of the house.

The guys had their annual gift exchange. We ate at Hoo Soon Yi. Great friends and good Korean BBQ.

The Christmas Eve party at the Knights of Columbus is probably my favorite holiday position. My old favorite was when all the cousins would sit around and presents would be handed out on Christmas Day. Then I got old.

This is a picture of a picture hanging on the wall in the Knights of Columbus. It’s a Squires meeting. And I love that six of the people in the picture can also be found in recent pictures like this one from camping.

Cess delivering presents. Things he loves: giving presents, Kobe, and Mountain Dew. He wears his heart on his sleeveless. Forgive me for that joke, it’s been six weeks since I’ve written anything.

Christmas night, the guys came over and we had ourselves a Kinect party.

Flew back to San Diego the day after Christmas. Moved out of Curt’s house and into my apartment. I’ve been taking this settling in thing really really slowly. This is basically what my room looked like for the first month.

Went to the Holiday Bowl. And got there early this time so we got to actually tailgate.

Here’s Jason, me, and Dan before heading out for New Year’s Eve. Jason’s conviction at an all time high.

Two months late, but goodbye 2010.