I didn’t break this month into parts so get ready for a long one. This is three months late, but it’s time to ring in 2011. Jason woke up for work three hours later and was assigned car duty, meaning he had to drive people around all day. Along with the platypus, proof that the universe has a sense of humor.

I thought it’d be pretty sick to take a picture of this sign at THQ headquarters, where the N64 gem WCW/NWO World Tour was made. The flood of emotions you’re experiencing looking at this picture confirm that I was right.

Me, Dan, and Jason went up to San Marcos to go-kart, except we got to the counter at the go-kart place and were told it’d be a 90 minute wait. 10 minutes later we were in line at Phil’s. Yes, another recapped month, another Phil’s BBQ picture. But this time from their newer location. The waiter did the thing where he mocks you and asks if we want our to-go boxes ahead of time for the stack of leftovers. We did the thing where we force feed ourselves and feel like dying afterwards to impress some waiter we’ll never encounter again in our lives.

I work out at the submarine base. (With zero context, that sentence sounds pretty badass. Unfortunately, life is full of context.) The gym calls this the functional training room, most would probably just call it the Crossfit room. I call this the room where I try to do the workout on the whiteboard but mostly just end up jumping rope and doing a lot of kettlebell swings. GRODT

I got all the stuff that I shipped from Seattle! Then I spent a few hours sorting through it and realized it was mostly clutter and got rid of it. It’s good to have plastic drawers back in my life though.

Sunset cliffs. One of the things I loved after getting off work was driving home and seeing the sun setting into the water. Something I love more is that days are longer and the sun isn’t setting right when I get off work anymore.

This is at a middle school I did some outreach at. I helped them input data and create graphs in Excel for their science fair projects. In return they inflate my ego by thinking I’m a genius.

Jason went on deployment and bought a TV right before he left. He’s letting me babysit if until May or June. Which is awesome. 3D Black Ops was cool for about ten minutes, then I got mad about my score and turned it off. The menus and all the user information popped off the screen, but there wasn’t a ton of noticeable depth in the characters and environments.
He bought Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs because he couldn’t find Undespicable Me on the shelves (I suggested it might be sitting next to Despicable Me, the movie that actually exists). That 3D was much cooler. Also, the TV has Netflix and Vudu built right in. I know Netflix is already on the Xbox, but it’s one less thing to wait for to load up. Pretty sure I’d use Netflix on the TV all the time, but I don’t have a couch.

Chopstix Too. Not as good as the original Chopstix. But I liked how this phone picture turned out.

Bryanth celebrated his birthday at a Korean BBQ/Karaoke place. Don’t remember the exact spot but it’s probably something like Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong. We all ordered an item and were planning to share it family style, but then people got shy and basically weren’t eating. My solution to this was to eat as much as possible and try to sort of not seem like I was eating all that much. Which worked except for the pile of kalbi bones on my plate.

Went to The Palm for San Diego Restaurant Week. San Diego’s is different from Seattle’s—San Diego has $20, $30, and $40 restaurants instead of just the flat $30 at every restaurant. I believe this gets more restaurants to participate, but you sort of end up looking for restaurants by the price bracket. Fair tradeoff. Also, this steak was really good.

For whatever reason, I took a picture of my computer monitor. This kid is from the middle of a clip of another kid breaking it down on the big screen. The actual good dancer goes nuts but this kid lived my bucket list item of getting on the stadium camera doing the generic dance where you stick your arms out in front of you and alternate each up and down. Hard to be humble when you stuntin’ on a JumboTron.

Remember when I said I didn’t break this post into two parts? If I did, the second half could just be titled “Captioned Bromance Photos: January Edition”. (Or “I Have More Than One Friend Down Here, but This Post Isn’t Proof”) This is at In ‘N’ Out where everyone seemed to be wearing black that night.

I joined in with Jason on the best part of running a marathon: carbing up. This is from breakfast at Con Pane.

Jason ended up running on three hours of sleep. Meaning he ran for longer than he slept. A fact that is a lot more impressive than his actual run time. (As an aside, I gave Jason some grief about his time slipping from his last marathon and he asked how my time on this marathon that I didn’t run compared to my time on the last marathon I didn’t run. I’m still thinking of a comeback, help me out in the comments section please.)

This is where we approach the territory held by Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong jogging together. Except we’re kayaking. And out of shape.

I asked if he had some sunblock and he tossed this to me. He hates sleep and he really hates SPF.

Chris and Ty (aka Kayla’s parents) had some friends over and were having their kitchen vinyl replaced. Me and Jason stumbled on some extra vinyl in the parking lot. Haters gonna hate. Breakers gonna break.

Here’s my room. Got another Jerker desk from Ikea. Where “got” means “paid too much for because I’m impatient” and “from Ikea” means “some girl on Craigslist”.

Went up north to visit Wally. Who’s not in this picture, but he took it so that sort of counts. That’s his cousin Laura, who I keep telling I’ll start writing Yelp reviews but never do. I really will though!

Here’s what my Yelp review for Buffalo Wild Wings would look like: “It’s my first time at a Buffalo Wild Wings location. Kind of boater but my favorite flavor was the salt and vinegar. We only got six of those so I was pretty bummed out but there was excess salt and vinegar powder that I could dip the other wings in. I enjoyed the experience. The wings are a little pricey, but most wing places are. I wish they had a San Diego location.
We also got a few of their hottest wings. Basically, you might not want this game to ever end, but I want this burning sensation in my mouth and esophagus to end—please don’t send it into overtime.”
And I’d probably give it 4 stars. I’m a fan.