September 15, 2011

Back to Our Roots 2011: Five Memories

This isn’t really ranked, it’s just five quick memories from last weekend’s camping trip. But first, a Harry Potter portrait (no sound, but Jerry’s saying I should sit here and double gun it—don’t mind if I do!):


Potter caught two salmon on the first night and Tubo caught one salmon on the second morning. Also, I caught some kind of hideous small fish—this was actually mildly satisfying. Eating the salmon other people caught was extremely satisfying.


We always buy a bunch of steaks and since we can only grill a few at a time, everyone decides which batch of steaks they get. Meanwhile, me and Jerry explain that the first batch isn’t going to be awful or anything. But actually the first batch really is good for testing the timing out. Next year: steak draft. Pick your place and snake back to pick your steak. (Except that means the best cuts will be cooked the worst. Which evens things out I guess.)

Scary Stories

Yes, we sit around the campfire and tell scary stories. And they’re pretty much the same every year. But it’s always a good way to kill time and spook ourselves. This year a new one I heard involved a lady that sounds loud whens he’s far away but if you hear her and she’s super quiet it means she’s right next to you. Creepy. Next subject.

Night Hike

I always feel like I’m too tired to go for the night hike, but then I’m always happy that we go. And I’m always disappointed that I didn’t bring a tripod, because I think long exposures around the Deception Pass grounds would look good.


We went into town to grab steaks at the commissary on Saturday. Also I had an Egg McMuffin, Dan got some Starbucks, and we hung out at the house with our mom for an hour. The key to keeping this considered a camping trip is that we didn’t shower.