Here are some phone pictures with captions written three months late! I started 4th of July weekend with an ID4 viewing and then pulled this ID4/Armageddon side-by-side up. It only took a million views to realize how similar these two scenes are: Billy Bob hugs Bruce’s daughter during the command center celebration and the army guy tells the drunk pesticide sprayer’s son that he should be proud during the command center celebration. I call this picture “Offspring of the Fallen”. Email me for prints.

Here’s a picture I sent to some friends in Seattle thinking it would be raining there so I could feel great about being at the beach.

In return, I got this picture of sunny Lake Union from Gas Works park and started to really really really miss Seattle. Lesson learned — I haven’t sent a beach picture out since.

I moved out of my one bedroom and into a three bedroom with a couple friends in August — we did a lot of furniture browsing in July. We found this sweet bunk bed with a pull out third bed. Only like $600 to free up two rooms? Steal! Ideas: office, billiards room, air hockey room, ping pong room, art showcase room, video game room, miniature petting zoo room.

July heat pro-tip: don’t leave Chapstick in your car or you might smear a quarter of it on your lips. Shame on you melted Chapstick.

Curt and Dyane’s idiot dog. Look at his thousand yard stare. I was going to write something about how dumbly entertained he was by the bubbles but I watched him try to eat bubbles for ten minutes. I was completely entertained so that might be worse, being a human and all.

We went fishing at the beach, caught some sea perch, and practiced cleaning fish. Then I overcooked the entire batch and ruined the day’s work.

Just chatting with Kuya Dan-Dan.

I got an eye exam hoping to get glasses to wear once in a while. Because I know my vision’s not perfect so glasses would be nice sometimes. But mostly because I wanted glasses to wear and I don’t really want to wear prescription-free frames because it feels like lying. Doctor said my vision was perfect. Plan foiled. (#humblebrag but also #doctorisprobablywrong) He asked if I had any questions and I asked “Um, are you sure?”

I lived in this apartment for six months and was super excited to get furniture for it and I followed through on that excitement by buying zero furniture for it. The only thing I miss about this apartment is being able to come home for lunch and my cool neighbor Bill, who looks like a former Hell’s Angel member. Think Lots-o-Huggin from Toy Story 3 except not evil and not a stuffed bear.

I call the fit Maroon 6, 7, & 8. I’d pay upwards of $7 to have a picture to share of this guy’s top half. He’s an older Asian man and there’s no end to the maroon abundance.

Went to Washington at the end of the month for my birthday. Right off the plane we were treated to Jerry’s smoked goods. While eating, we inexplicably got way into an episode of some crime show where this guy did strong armed robberies and lived on golf resorts for a few years. It was more interesting than my last sentence made it sound. But not by much. Actually, I just remembered, there was more to it. He was hiding in plain sight on the golf resorts because he shot his wife so she wouldn’t go through the misery of their family going bankrupt.

Went to Jim Creek for the annual family camping trip. Jennifer won the nonexistent best dressed competition with the strategy of wearing an actual dress. Cunning.

Stayed in Oak Harbor for a night and a day. What do you do in Oak Harbor? Glad I asked.
You can watch Wrestling with Shadows. You can get a double scoop at the strawberry farm.

You can get a bunch of shrimp at the shrimp shack. You can eat a bunch of dungeness along with the shrimp.

You can reminisce in your old room. I didn’t like Scarface, Rush Hour 2, or Metroid Prime all that much — I just liked 24″ posters. But I did really like Metal Gear Solid. I always enjoy looking at my picture wall and I’m glad to say those bromances are all alive and well. By the way, when me and Kuya Dan-Dan went off to college, my mom passed on the petting zoo option and turned my room into an office. And by office I mean the room where she watches Korean dramas.

During the week, I stayed with other-Cess and Marvin. And their nine packages of kielbasa.

My favorite happy hour… is the hour after eating at Elliott’s oyster happy hour!

Dropped by Junior’s room and found Guile on his desk like this. And his laptop left with this paused on the screen. Really.

Me and a friend from D.C. sort of miss Seattle so we compensated by eating Paseo in front of the Fremont troll. All we needed were Sounders jerseys and Starbucks.

Tubo practicing his arm bar on Marvin. Revenge for last year.

These are a few of Tubo’s favorite neon things.

Golf golf golf.

This is Brazil! Tubo’s car getting a jump.

Naps on naps on naps.

Junior gave a good toast. Followed by another good toast. I love Washington.

Fool me twice…