December 18, 2011

GRE and things

I’m going to write shorter entries with no titles because I think some kind frequency is important and it’s something I clearly struggle with. And I don’t like blowing Twitter up.

I took the GRE today. Did fine. Just glad that’s over with and I can come a little bit out of hibernation. But really I just can’t wait to head up to Seattle. And stuff my face day after day and countdown Christmas like it’s New Year’s then help pass out a mountain of presents to my cousins. Who are all weirdly old now. Like the one who just finished her first quarter at UW.

Easily one of my favorite moods (ever) was finishing my last final of my first quarter of college. That felt better than graduation. Maybe I’m in the minority on that, but I remember walking out of my Linear Algebra final elated. Nothing could bring me down. Not even finding out that I bombed that same final.

Anyway, it can be bad to live in the past but I spent four hours today staring at triangles and obscure passages on a computer monitor answering questions for my future. And something blah blah present is a gift. I love the holidays.