Ces, not Seth

Welcome, again

15 Jan 2014

I'm trying to blog, again. I was writing that recap of 2013 and realized that I should write things down closer to when they happen. Just to capture more accurately what I was thinking at the time instead of waiting until nine or ten months after.

While setting this blog up, I considered bringing down the WordPress blog. I backed everything up so that it was ready to take down, but I can't bring myself to take it down. Considering I updated it regularly from 2004-2008 and erratically for a few more, it's one of the most valuable things I've made. (Value to me personally, not, you know, actual value to society.)

It captures my thoughts from a good five year period of my life and I wish I had that for my first year in New York. I'll try to do it for my second year and beyond.

I just re-read the paragraphs above. Apparently I wrote it on a break from contemplating my existence or something. I just want somewhere to post captioned pictures.